Hemkunt Sahib - All You Need To Know | Planet Amritsar Inc.

What Is Hemkunt Sahib ?

Hemkunt Sahib, also known as Gobind Dham, is a Gurudwara situated in Hemkund Parbat in Uttarakhand state of India. The Gurudwara is dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh ji, the tenth Sikh Guru. It is believed that Guru Gobind Singh ji meditated at this place. Every year, thousands of Sikhs make the pilgrimage to Hemkunt Sahib to pay respects at the Gurudwara and take a dip in the holy waters of the Sarovar.

Hemkunt Sahib

The History of Hemkunt Sahib

 Hemkunt Sahib is one of the most sacred sites for Sikhs. Located in the Himalayan mountains, Hemkunt Sahib is believed to be the place where Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh guru, meditated. Guru Gobind Singh is said to have had a vision of Hemkunt Sahib, and he then asked his followers to find and construct a Gurudwara at the site.

Hemkunt Sahib has been a place of pilgrimage for Sikhs since the early 1800s. However, it was not until the early 1900s that a Gurudwara was built at the site. The first Gurudwara was constructed in 1903 by Sant Baba Harnaam Singh Ji. Since then, Hemkunt Sahib has become one of the most popular pilgrimage sites for Sikhs from all over the world.

Every year, thousands of Sikhs make the journey to Hemkunt Sahib to pay their respects at the Gurudwara and to meditate in the beautiful surroundings. For many Sikhs, the experience of visiting Hemkunt Sahib is a deeply spiritual one.

Hemkunt sahib Trek

The Significance of Hemkunt Sahib

 The reason that Hemkunt Sahib is such a significant site for Sikhs is because it is believed to be the place where Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th and final guru of the Sikh religion, meditated before he left his earthly body. Guru Gobind Singh was a great leader and teacher, and his teachings continue to inspire Sikhs today. For many Sikhs, making the pilgrimage to Hemkunt Sahib is a way to connect with their guru and receive his blessings.

If you are considering making the pilgrimage to Hemkunt Sahib, know that it is not a decision to be made lightly. The journey is long and difficult, but it is also an incredibly rewarding experience.

Hemkunt Sahib Sarovar

How to get to Hemkunt Sahib

The journey to Hemkunt Sahib is not an easy one, but it is definitely worth it. Here are some tips on how to get to Hemkunt Sahib:

1. Plan your trip in advance. The best time to visit Hemkunt Sahib is between May and October. Keep in mind that the weather in the mountains can be unpredictable, so it's always best to be prepared for anything.

2. Choose your mode of transportation carefully. If you're planning on trekking to Hemkunt Sahib, make sure you're physically fit and have the proper equipment. If you're taking a helicopter, make sure to book your flight well in advance.

3. Be respectful. Remember that Hemkunt Sahib is a holy site for Sikhs. Be sure to dress modestly and follow all of the rules and regulations set by the Gurudwara committee.

4. Have a wonderful time! Despite the challenges, visiting Hemkunt Sahib is an incredibly rewarding experience.

Hemkunt Sahib booking

What to do at Hemkunt Sahib

 There are many things to do at Hemkunt Sahib, and here are some of the most popular activities:

1. Worship at the Gurudwara: The Gurudwara at Hemkunt Sahib is a very important place of worship for Sikhs. Every day, hundreds of pilgrims come to the Gurudwara to offer their prayers and worship God.

2. Take a dip in the holy water: The water of Hemkunt Sahib is considered to be very holy and pure. Many pilgrims take a dip in the water as it is believed to wash away all their sins.

3. Listen to the kirtans: Kirtans are religious songs sung in praise of God. They are an integral part of Sikhism, and at Hemkunt Sahib, you can listen to some of the best kirtans sung by world-renowned artists.

4. Visit the museum: The museum at Hemkunt Sahib houses some rare artifacts and paintings related to Sikh history and culture.


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