What does Punjab Mean?

Punjab is a region in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent. It forms part of both Pakistan and India, but has its own distinct cultural heritage. Punjab’s location on the borders makes it a natural target for invaders from time to time, with each side claiming ownership over it. The name Punjab itself is made up of two words ‘Punj’ meaning Five and ‘ab’  meaning rivers, it is the land of five rivers. These rivers respectively are Sutlej (Sutli), Beas (Bahar), Ravi (Ravijani), Chenab (Kanali) and Jhelum 

It borders Delhi to the south, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to the east, and the Pakistani province of Sindh to the west. The region has a long and colourful history and has been a centre of culture and trade for centuries. The major industries in Punjab are agriculture and heavy engineering.


Sikhism forms the largest religious group in Punjab. The Sikh faith is based on the teachings of Guru Nanak dev ji, who was born in 1469 and lived until 1539. The Sikh religion has its own unique traditions, customs, and scriptures. Sikhs are renowned for their martial arts skills, and have played a significant role in the development of the army and the police force in India.

Famous Cities.

  • Amritsar is one of the most famous cities of Punjab which is home to the Golden Temple or Harmandir Sahib. It attracts Hundreds of thousands of tourists each year.
  • Chandigarh is known as the City Beautiful because of its well-planned structure and architecture.

How to reach Punjab.

  • By Air - The main airports of Punjab are located in Amritsar and Ludhiana. The regular flights to Delhi can be taken from here. Union Territory of Chandigarh that serves as the capital of both Haryana and Punjab also has a domestic terminal.
  • By Road - Highways in Punjab are very well developed and you would love the ‘Dhabas’ that serve local food on such highways. Road transport is well developed and probably the best way to move around in Punjab.
  • By Train - Trains can be taken between Amritsar and Delhi or Chandigarh and Delhi. The rest of the nation is connected through Delhi.


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