Jallianwala Bagh - Tours,Timings,Booking and History.

Jallianwala Bagh: The Site of a Tragic Massacre

Jallianwala Bagh Tours and Booking

Jallianwala Bagh is a public garden located in Amritsar, Punjab, India, that is well-known for being the site of one of the most horrific incidents in the country's history. On April 13, 1919, the peaceful gathering of thousands of unarmed men, women, and children at Jallianwala Bagh was met with a ruthless act of violence that left hundreds of innocent people dead and many more injured.

The Background

In the early 20th century, India was under British colonial rule, and there was growing resentment among the Indian population towards their colonial masters. The Indian National Congress, a political party formed in 1885, had been demanding greater representation and autonomy for the Indian people, but their efforts had been met with little success.

In 1919, the British government passed the Rowlatt Act, which gave the colonial authorities sweeping powers to arrest and detain anyone suspected of engaging in anti-government activities without trial. This law was met with widespread protests and opposition from the Indian people, who saw it as a threat to their civil liberties.

The Massacre

On the day of the massacre, a large crowd had gathered at Jallianwala Bagh to peacefully protest against the Rowlatt Act and demand the release of two prominent Indian nationalist leaders who had been arrested. The gathering included men, women, and children from all walks of life.

As the peaceful demonstration was taking place, the British military, led by General Reginald Dyer, arrived at the scene. Without warning, Dyer ordered his troops to open fire on the unarmed crowd. The firing continued for about ten minutes, with soldiers shooting indiscriminately at men, women, and children, who had no way of escaping the bullets. Many people were killed on the spot, while others were seriously injured.

The Aftermath

The massacre at Jallianwala Bagh sent shockwaves across India and the world, and it had a profound impact on the Indian freedom struggle. The incident led to a wave of protests and civil disobedience, and it galvanized the Indian people to demand an end to colonial rule.

General Dyer was widely criticized for his actions, and the British government ordered an inquiry into the massacre. However, the inquiry, known as the Hunter Commission, exonerated Dyer and placed the blame for the incident on the Indian people. This led to further anger and resentment among the Indian population, and it fueled the demand for independence.

In conclusion, the massacre at Jallianwala Bagh remains a dark chapter in India's history, and it is a poignant reminder of the struggle for freedom and the sacrifices made by those who fought for it. Today, Jallianwala Bagh is a national monument that serves as a memorial to the victims of the massacre, and it continues to be a place of pilgrimage for people who want to pay their respects to those who lost their lives.

The Importance of Remembering Jallianwala Bagh

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre is a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for India's freedom. It is also an important lesson in history that highlights the brutality of colonialism and the importance of democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech.

It is essential to remember the massacre and its aftermath to ensure that such tragic incidents are not repeated in the future. By remembering the massacre, we can learn from the past and work towards creating a better future.

The monument at Jallianwala Bagh serves as a powerful reminder of the massacre and its victims. It is a solemn place of reflection and pilgrimage, where people from all walks of life can come together to pay their respects and remember the sacrifices made by those who fought for India's freedom.

Jallianwala Bagh Timings

Jallianwala Bagh is open to visitors from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm every day, including weekends and holidays. However, it is important to note that the last entry to the site is allowed up to 15 minutes before closing time. The best time to visit Jallianwala Bagh is early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperature is cooler, and there are fewer crowds. Visitors can take their time to explore the site, pay their respects to the victims, and learn about the history of the massacre.

Jallianwala Bagh Guided Tour.

Guided tours of Jallianwala Bagh are an excellent way to learn about the history and significance of the site. Visitors can book a guided tour by visiting the following link

Book a guided Tour of Jallianwala Bagh.

The tours are conducted by experienced and knowledgeable guides who provide in-depth information about the massacre, its aftermath, and the struggle for India's freedom. The guides also provide insights into the architecture and design of the site and its significance in Indian history. The guided tours last for about an hour and are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi, and Punjabi. Visitors can ask questions and interact with the guides, making the experience more engaging and educational. Guided tours of Jallianwala Bagh are highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn about this important chapter in India's history.


The Jallianwala Bagh massacre is a tragic incident that shook India to its core. It serves as a reminder of the struggle for freedom and the sacrifices made by those who fought for it. By remembering the massacre and its aftermath, we can learn from the past and work towards creating a better future. The monument at Jallianwala Bagh serves as a powerful symbol of remembrance and a place of pilgrimage for people who want to pay their respects to the victims of the massacre. It is essential that we continue to remember the massacre and its importance in India's history.

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