What to wear in Amritsar ?

What to wear in Amritsar.

Amritsar is a really beautiful city. Although the original city is not that big, it is culture rich and home to the world famous golden temple. The original narrow streets, and the ancient markets here are an adventure in themselves. You can buy all types of goods from here. The shopkeepers here with smiles on there faces have been managing their shops since generations. When Guru Ramdas ji established the city, he invited merchants from all over Asia to come and do trade here. That is why you will find people here with so many different languages.


Why you should ask “What to wear in Amritsar” ?

Asia is huge, and it is full of countless religions, languages and people. Every religion has its own rules and regulations. Society built around these religions have their own taboos and traditions. For instance in India there are more than 40 languages and number of religions.

Amritsar is full of temples and mosques. No doubt that the main reason for your visit in Amritsar would be golden temple. And since it is a temple, the visitors are expected to follow some religious rules, which include clothes.

What to wear in Amritsar.

Advice for men
Note :- If you are visiting Amritsar in summer, it would be really hot.
  • T-shirt - A cotton T-shirt would be fine to wear anywhere you go. It would help you fight the heat of summer, and you would blend in nicely with the locals. If your visit is in the winter then you can wear sweater or coat to keep you warm.
  • Shorts - The summer temperature of Amritsar can reach up to 45 degree, and you would be tempted to wear shorts. You can wear shorts while roaming the city or enjoying the local restaurants, but wearing at Golden temple is highly discouraged. If you enter the complex wearing shorts, you would be approached by a Sewadar.
  • PJs - Pajamas are totally fine to wear in summer, anywhere you go. I would recommend wearing a Pajama while your visit to the temple.
  • Denims - Denims are also totally fine to wear anywhere you go.

Advice for Women
  • Gown - Gown is the perfect thing to wear while your visit to Amritsar. It is completely acceptable at Golden temple as well as all the other places you would visit.
  • T-shirts - T-shirts are also acceptable at most places, although you may get several stares if it is too revealing.
  • Denims - All denims are acceptable, except the shredded ones where too much of your legs are visible. It would be best if you avoid wearing shredded Denims at Golden temple.
  • Chunni/Dupatta - I know you may be wondering what is a chunni. Well chunni is a loose piece of cloth that Punjabi women wear to cover their heads. It would help you blend in nicely with the locals. Trust me when I warn you about the uncomfortable stares you will receive. A chunni will help you avoid these altogether.

Clothing according to weather.

  • January to march - These are very cold months, so you should wear very warm clothes so that you are safe from the winter. Temperature drop to 0 degrees.
  • April to May - These are best months, it’s neither cold not to hot and you should wear moderate clothes.
  • June to September - These are very hot months, so you should wear very light cotton clothes. Always carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Temperatures go up to 40 degrees in these months
  • October - this is the sweetest month. After a boiling summer the cold winds arrive declaring the arrival of winter. Leaves turn yellow, and bird sing a little louder. Light clothing is advised if you visit in October
  • November - December - These are very cold months, so you should wear very warm clothes so that you are safe from the winter. Temperature drop to 0 degrees.

If this is your first visit to Amritsar and you want to explore the city by learning amazing stories and visiting some hidden hole in the wall places, you can contact us here.


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